Turf Tracer Hydro Walk-Behind Mower, 23hp Kohler
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Link assembly nominal length is 6.89" (or approx. 6 7/8") between center of ball joint & center of furthest hole. See diagram on next page. Initially adjust both links to this dimension, then adjust to where both links are equally supporting rear of mower
Note: Complete cutter housings also include items #1 & #25.
Note: Complete cutter housings also include items #1 & #25.
Currently unavailable
Note: Kit 103-3168 includes antiscalp roller, bushing, & mounting hardware.
Note: Requires installation of Micro-Mulch accessory for proper mulching. Mulch kit P/N MK604.