52" Turf Ranger Front Mount Mower, 23hp Kohler
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Note: Apply Mobil HTS grease (P/N 103-5217 1.5 oz packet) (or a food-grade anti-sieze) between the spindles & bearings and spindles & sheaves and under top bearing guard. DO NOT use a copper or nickel based anti-sieze.
Not available
Note: Complete cutter housings also include items #1 & #25.
Not available
Note: Complete cutter housings also include items #1 & #25.
Not available
Not available
Note: See "Deck Group 52"". Initially adjust both links to this dimension, then adjust to where both links are equally supporting rear of mower deck by lengthening one link and shortening th other by an equal amount.
Currently unavailable
Note: Kit 103-3168 includes antiscalp roller, bushing, & mounting hardware.
Note: Requires installation of Micro-Mulch accessory for proper mulching. Mulch kit P/N MK524.