Horizontal Engine
Note: Included in Gasket Set-Part No. 492653
Not available
Note: Use(s): 222710 Strap-Hood 94896 Screw-Hex. (Hood to Strap) 93490 Screw-Hex. (Hood to Blower Hsg.) Certain Applications also use the Following: 94931 Stud-Hex. Drive (Strap to Crankcase Cover) 94314 Nut-Hex. 90366 Washer-Lock
Note: Use(s): 223825 Strap-Hood 94896 Screw-Hex. (Hood to Strap) 93490 Screw-Hex. (Hood to Blower Hsg.) 93640 Screw-Hex. (Hood to Cyl. Head)