Montgomery Ward Parts Lookup & Diagrams

Need help finding your Montgomery Ward model number?

Your Montgomery Ward equipment has a factory model number and serial number on a sticker-like label or metallic tag attached to the unit in a place away from moving parts (usually near the handle, under the seat, or on the side of the unit). The best way to buy repair parts for your Montgomery Ward is to begin by searching for your Montgomery Ward model number on PartsTree and use the OEM Montgomery Ward parts diagrams to find the parts that fit exactly like the originals from the Montgomery Ward factory. When you locate your Montgomery Ward model tag, take a picture for future repair parts needs.

What do Montgomery Ward model tags look like?

examples of what Montgomery Ward model tags usually look like and a large Montgomery Ward logo
A Note On Engine Parts

To buy engine parts for your Montgomery Ward, like an air filter, oil filter, fuel filter, spark plug, tune-up kit, or carburetor parts, you will likely need to search separately on PartsTree for your engine model. On Montgomery Ward equipment, the engine model and specification ("spec") numbers, as well as serial number and sometimes type and code, are often stamped above the muffler, by the spark plug, or near the overhead valve cover.

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